Hugs and Kisses

Hello everybunny! Sorry for the looong break in between posts. With the end of the semester and the holidays, it has been a busy couple of months, not to mention all the activity with the little rascals.
Let's get back to the bunny dating adventures shall we?

So after an only somewhat successful first date in my kitchen (in which Dan outsmarted me and went on a self-guided tour of Sam's room), I let them have many more supervised dates in the kitchen. I changed my setup a little bit, so that the buns would be more comfy while they hung out. I made sure they had all their usual necessities food, water, hay, litter box and then gave them a little place to hide if they wanted to take a break from each other (a bench with a towel over it in this case). *But make sure their hiding spot has at least 2 entrances so the bunnies can't corner each other, in case they are aggressive.

This worked really well for us and the bunnies seemed very comfortable on all their dates. So once again I brought the rabbys into the kitchen and gated off all the doorways leading out of it. The majority of the time they spent together involved a lot of sniffing, licking and head bumps.

  As usual Sam was very gentle and curious about Dan, and Dan just wanted to hop around and explore at first. That may be partially because he is a teenager and she is a refined lady :) But eventually they snuggled up next to each other and let me pet them together. They even groomed each other a little. On a couple of their dates they chased each other around the kitchen and binkied around each other, it looked like they were playing tag! Bunnies are so playful it would not surprise me if they were. Usually these meetings only lasted about 15-20 minutes, and I stayed right on the floor with them the whole time. I never left them unattended. I always tried to end the dates after the bunnies had done something good like snuggle, or bathe each other, so I could give them each a treat and end the date on a good note. I didn't want to give them a chance to get antsy or bored so they would look forward to spending time with each other. After the first few dates both rabbits would frequently go up to the barrier separating their areas and look around for the other bunny. This was a very encouraging sign that they not only tolerated each other, but enjoyed each others company. I knew they were finally ready to try the bonding process. So once Thanksgiving was upon us we went 'over the river and through the woods to grandma and grandpa's house we go'!

PS Sorry some of the pictures are not the best quality, bunnies can be so hard to photograph, especially when there's 2 of them ;)

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